Nigerian Fitness Hub - NFHUB
Effective customizable online workouts, nutrition planning, group circuit sessions and one on one training.fffff

Los Angeles, CA


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please login or choose the training plan that works for you

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Self Training


10 USD/monthly Reoccurring

    Short bursts of intense exercises with low-intensity recovery periods.

  • HIIT Routines
  • Get up to 15% off additional purchases at checkout.

  • Members only Discounts
  • Communicate via email to engage in a support interaction.

  • Email Support
  • Watch our exclusive video Gallery of training programs.

  • New Exclusive Videos
  • Bookmark your favorite exercises and create your own routine

  • Bookmark Exercises
  • Over 100 different workouts to choose from that are muscle group specific

  • Access to Exercise Library

Personal Training


30 USD/monthly Reoccurring

    Short bursts of intense exercises with low-intensity recovery periods.

  • HIIT Routines
  • Get up to 15% off additional purchases at checkout.

  • Members only Discounts
  • Communicate via email to engage in a support interaction.

  • Email Support
  • Watch our exclusive video Gallery of training programs.

  • New Exclusive Videos
  • Connect in high quality videos with Ifeanyi, Monthly

  • Monthly Livestreams
  • Online Question and Answers with Ifeanyi

  • Online Q and A
  • Bookmark your favorite exercises and create your own routine

  • Bookmark Exercises
  • Weekly workouts including Sets, Reps, and Rest. Assigned by me to help you meet your goals.

  • Trainer Assigned Workouts
  • Over 100 different workouts to choose from that are muscle group specific

  • Access to Exercise Library

Online Personal
Training + Nutrition


150 USD/monthly Reoccurring

    Short bursts of intense exercises with low-intensity recovery periods.

  • HIIT Routines
  • Get up to 15% off additional purchases at checkout.

  • Members only Discounts
  • We provide healthy food choices and eating habits to match your dietary requirements and personal eating preferences, based on your very own genetic makeup.

  • Personalised Diet Plan
  • Communicate via email to engage in a support interaction.

  • Email Support
  • Know why (or if) you need dietary supplements.

  • Diet and Supplement Tips
  • Watch our exclusive video Gallery of training programs.

  • New Exclusive Videos
  • Learn how to improve your health by simply changing how you eat, plus find out why proper nutrition is such an important aspect of fitness

  • Training & Nutrition Articles
  • Connect in high quality videos with Ifeanyi, Monthly

  • Monthly Livestreams
  • Follow up with our weekly meal plans to help you with your nutrition goals.

  • Weekly Meal Plans
  • Online Question and Answers with Ifeanyi

  • Online Q and A
  • Bookmark your favorite exercises and create your own routine

  • Bookmark Exercises
  • Weekly workouts including Sets, Reps, and Rest. Assigned by me to help you meet your goals.

  • Trainer Assigned Workouts
  • Over 100 different workouts to choose from that are muscle group specific

  • Access to Exercise Library

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